Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Another week, another set of new experiences. I really hope it keeps up like this! It certainly makes missing home not as bad. (In case you were wondering, I am starting to get homesick, but it´s more friend-sick). So just a minute of complaining, which is super ironic, because what I'm complaining about is people complaining (wow that's a mouth full). So ya, for the most part, I really enjoy all the people in my program, there´s only 14 of us, so I better, but they are some of the most complaining people I've met. I forgot how lucky I was to have such great friends that put up with everything and have generally positive demeanors. Also, I don't have enough guy friends. But, I love Spain and my family, still. Speaking of the family, we have taken in the great-granddaughter of abuelita. No sé por qué but she a cute little chub, even if she does cry when she sees me. (No worries we´re working on it)
Anyways, I went to Portugal last weekend! It was increible y bonitísima. It was also sunny! In case you didn´t know, there was a heavy Moorish influence in Lisboa during their occupation of Iberia. Which is great because they have super-decorative tendancies. For instance, a good majority of the buildings are covered in decorative tiles (pics to come). On Friday, since it was Dia de los Profesores, we left at like 8am and got into Lisboa at 1030. The hotel was nice, it was a small room with a shower in the corner. (The toilet was down the hall a bit). Merijke and I decided to go to the 11th century castelo that we saw up on a hill. (Another note: Lisboa is all hills, you walk up then down then up again) It was surprisingly dificil para ir al castillo porque todos los calles son diferente. You start going the way you want, then the road turns and goes uphill without another road crossing it. (wtf, mate?). But, the castle was super cool and the views were AMAZING of Lisboa. Other than that we just wandered around the city and found the cathedral after stumbling into 4 other churches. El sábado, fuimos a Fatima. It was nice, but weird after my pilgrimage to Rome (maybe not weird, but different). We had a delicious lunch, though. I can officially check off another language from my "Masses in Other Languages List" (Portuguese). But I have also decided that Portuguese is an ugly language (written, it looks like Spanish; spoken, so icky). Fun random things: saw Picasso´s Guernica on the side of a car, saw a 4-wheeler on the street, and overheard a waiter ask two French girls to a party. Also, in case you were wondering, it is common for random musicians/whole bands(sax, bass, trumpet, accordian) to perform on Madrid's metro.
I also went to my first fútbol game last night! Super fun! I miss sports. We were actually winning for most of the game, but of course, Valencia had to score 30 min into the second half. Afterwards, I walked home with 2 friends and their dad (who came to the game) and we stopped to have a beer. But their dad is a lot of fun. I think that pretty much covers what you´ve been missing. Oh and it´s cold-ish. Blah.

This weekend: Comillas and Santillana del Mar (the city of three lies)


  1. I really enjoyed the part about the cute little chub :)

  2. I like the occasional switch from English to Spanish, even mid-sentence. Anyway, thanks for sharing and hope to chat soon!
