Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hey . . . Ho . . . Let´s Go!

Another weekend. . . another excursion. This time we went to . . . wait for it . . . OVIEDO! I know this doesn´t seem like a very exciting place, but it is the capital of Asturias (region next to Cantabria). It was also where all the Catholics chilled out while the Moors were redefining the Sur. So ya. . . it has a pretty sweet Catedral (granted those are fairly easy to come by around here, but still). It´s super sneaky, though, and has a "secret" upper chamber where they store super important things (at least they did back in the day), such as the cloth that covered Jesus´ face and the chest that they used to transport random religious things that they found on conquests and some snazzy crosses (No worries, Merijke snagged some contraband fotos so y´all can see it). Other than the Catedral we had tiempo libre to do as we pleased. Merijke and I broke away from the group (apparently they all went together with a guy that knew the city well, how were we supposed to know?). We saw the mercado and el parque. Both were bueno pero I was really excited to find some very cute 6 euro tacones. I can now go dancing in style. (I know you were very concerned about that). But Oviedo is fun because they have a ton of random statues everywhere (most notably: the fat lady and her baby, the naked people with lil heads, and the traveller). Unfortunately, Europeans love their naked people statues. Oh, I also got to see some buildings from the 9th century, no big deal : ) One was a party/meeting house and the other was a church. They were legit thanks to their age but overall not super impressing (but I mean really, compared to the coliseum). But ya Oviedo is a worthwhile trip.
Sunday was fun. I spent all day in the kitchen (certainly all morning). I made chocolate chip cookies, meatloaf, and mashed taters for the fam. Les encantan los galletas. And they thought the meatloaf was very tasty as well. But apparently mashed potatoes are not appreciated here (sad day). Oh well, I can now cook without measuring cups! And am fairly good at improvising while cooking. I suppose pics of the cookies would have been good, but they were eaten SOOOO quickly. Anyways, el domingo was lazy besides that. Studying for my final and such. Only 2 classes now!
Let´s see other highlights from last week . . . we had a lil fiesta for the redecoration of the ISA oficina. I did a lot of siesta-ing. But really weekdays are fairly uneventful. Went to the Museo Maritimo. It had fish and boats and stuff. Anyways . . . from here on out I will be going somewhere fun every weekend. Destination for last weekend in Feb: Sur de Francia!

Hasta luego!

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