Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My New Home

This is the view from close to the top of the hill
This is the beach 5 min from school . . . we know where I'll be studying 
I'm on top of a cliff by the lighthouse . . . you can't imagine how fantastic the view is
I've finally arrived and mostly settled into what will be my home for the next 3 meses. (Get used to the Spanglish, it will only get worse) It's like the most gorgeous city ever. Basically its a hill-->bay  _/\_ sea. On the other side of the bay are montanas. On my walk to school (which is 30 min a lil disappointing) I can see the mountains and bay in the distance (be jealous). School is fine so far, if I'm lucky I won't have Friday classes in about a month and a half. My familia es super nice. My hermanitas are adorable and the 14 year old can speak some English (she's in bilingual classes). My Spanish is still un poquito rough but it should get better after this first week. My Spanish class is 3 hours every day so it better.

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