Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"En un ciclo sin fin . . ."

So I guess I´ll let you see and hear what I´ve been up to for the last month. . .
But back to what's been goin on. . . I'm sitting here in my room with the sun shining down on me (windows thrown open) and basking in the wonder of being done with finals! How this semester has flown! Although I still have a presentation for one of my classes on Thursday, I am basically done with classwork until August. ¿Qué? Ya, I'm not sure how that's possible. Last week was rather uneventful, I went to class, procrastinated writing my paper, eventually wrote my paper, then headed off on another whirlwind adventure. All in a week's work.
So on Friday, in the morning, I cranked out a 2000 word essay for my art history class that was due on Monday (I also had 2 finals and a presentation over a book I finished Thursday night). Then it was off to Barcelona for me! It probably wasn't the best choice considering what all happened on Monday, but how could I study in Spain for 3 months and not make it to Barcelona? So. . . as a side note, Spanish people don't arrive at the airport til their flight is like about to board. I got there 1.5 hours early and maybe 1 other person there ended up being on my flight. Qué ridiculo! But ya, made it to Barcelona and barely caught the train into the metro station (if I missed it, would of had to wait another 30 min). Hopped on the metro to Horta (el barrio con mi hostal) and found Jordan waiting for me in the lil plaza. . . fun lil note, there was also a piano just chillin in the plaza. We dropped my stuff off then headed to Park Güell designed by Gaudí. It was real pretty, but also so busy. So then we wandered around a bit before heading back to hunt for dinner at a supermercado near the hostel. It was crazy trying to find peanut butter, until we decided that Barça doesn't believe in it, so we settled for fake nutella. We had a lovely dinner on the roof-top terrace of our hostel with Barça shining in the background. Ended up watching Spain vs. Czech Republic futból game and trying some cabeza de conejo with the hostel owners(?). We also enjoyed free sangria and olives. Yum! After that we hit up La Rambla (main street in Barça). It seemed like night life was about to start hoppin, but the metro only ran til 2 so we headed home early.
On Saturday, we took our time to get ready and head out. Jordan hadn't slept much lately. After having a lovely breakfast out in the sun, we headed to the Sagrada Familia (another Gaudí work, but this one has been butchered by people trying to finish it without the original plans). It's impressive nonetheless. We then commenced wandering to see some of Gaudí's other works, considering Barcelona is Gaudíland, it wasn't too hard. We saw La Rambla by day which was super fun, thanks to all the street performers (most were like statues but Jordan couldn't help but watch for them to move). We chilled in Plaza Real a bit and got to see some super cool Brazilian dancing, which I really can never remember the name of. Back on La Rambla we ran into some of Jordan's Alicante friends (loco!) who were also visiting. I had the best juice of my life from a market: fresh mango and coconut. SO YUM! We found our way to a nice little park where we enjoyed some more nutella sandwiches for lunch and chillaxed. On our way to the hill/mountain with a view of the Gothic center of town, we found a playground. With swings! ¡QUE DIVERTIDO!! Travelling with Jordan was definitely a great idea! We then headed up the hilltain. Lots of nice gardens and great views of la ciudad or ciutat if we goin with Catalan (language/dialect of the region). (Random side note: I don't know how you could learn Spanish if studying in Barça, so much English plus Catalan = very lil Spanish). We found the fancy pants Museo Nacional de Barcelona and Olympic Stadium. Yay for wandering! Then best discovery of all the Fuente Mágica! We saw the horario then headed on yet another search for a supermercado. This time just finding the store was long, but when we did find one, it was awesome! Two stories! Grabbed our 1.45€ bottle of wine along with bread and cheese and headed back to the fountain. We ate and drank and watched. So much fun!!!! Distinctly different shows for each half-hour display (classical. . . alright to be expected, 80's American music. . . strange but I dig, Disney (in Spanish). . . OH MY GOSH. . . SO GREAT!!) So after watching all these and finishing our wine we decided to head back to the hostel since Jordan had to be at the airport at 5am. I decided to accompany him since I didn't want to travel Barça by myself. So I got to sleep and study for 8 hours in the aeroport. More fun than I would have guessed. Got home, went to Mass, had some Regma (ice cream), edited, threw pics together, bed.
Monday came sooner than I would have liked, but it all turned out pretty well I think. (I can't say definitively since I am yet to receive my grades) Anyways, sorry this was so long, but since I will be very limited when I get on my own (without a computer) I thought I should make it count!
Can't wait to see the parents in 4 short days and show them all Spain has to offer!

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